My Prostate Cancer Recovery Story
Discovering Black Seed Oil was nothing but a blessing. In 2015, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 48. I had always been reasonably healthy, but I started to feel my age. Little aches here, a shooting pain there. But I never would've imagined that I'd have to face down prostate cancer. Fortunately, someone told me about Black Seed Oil, a natural remedy that's created from the small black seeds of a Middle Eastern shrub. The oil from these seeds have been used for millennia to treat dozens of ailments, from viruses to cancer. When I heard about the cancer-fighting potential of Black Seed Oil, I figured I had nothing lose. So I started taking it twice a day. After six months, that same doctor looked at me again and had two very different words to say: "Cancer Free."
I thought I had passed the rough stage after my diagnosis and surgery, so I stopped taking Black Seed Oil. Shortly after, I found out that I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction, which is common after prostate surgery. My options were to get on the blue pill or start back taking Black Seed Oil. With all the side effects, it was a no brainer that I would only go the natural route. This also lead me to take my diet seriously by juicing and eating better. Want to find out what happened? Keep scrolling down. |
Harold Leffall, cancer survivor, shares cancer story and how he stumbled upon Black Seed Oil. That moment changed his life to the point of pursuing creating his own high quality product he could trust. He shares why it is essential for those suffering with Prostate Cancer and other health issues surrounding cancer treatment. Issues such as High Blood Pressure, Incontinence and Erectile Disfunction.
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(3 PACK)Ashwagandha, Black Seed Oil & Sea Moss Supplement Capsules WELLNESS BUNDLE DEAL
(90-Day Supply) Black Cumin Seed Oil (Cold Pressed & Unrefined Virgin) Immune System Booster
(90-Day Supply)Ashwagandha Supplement Thyroid Support, Joints, Memory, Mental Focus & Emotional Wellness
Boost the Immune SystemStrengthens immune system &
Relieves inflammation in the body for both men and women |
Improves High Blood PressureReduce high blood pressure, Decrease cholesterol levels in men and women & Improve erectile dysfunction in men
Fights illness & more...Eases the side effects of chemo, along with stomach tension both men & women
Thymoquinone (TW) is a chief bioactive constituent of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa)" stated by This extract exhibits outstanding antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties that has been used to treat diseases which include hypertension, diabetes, inflammation, influenza, asthma, fever, dizziness, bronchitis, coughs, headaches and eczema. What makes our product more unique is our Black Seed Oil capsule contains 3.35% of TQ, while most store bought oils have less than 1%.
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So what happened...Taking Black Seed Oil was more than just the freedom from cancer. It was an increase in energy and a sense that many of those aches I’d started feeling years earlier weren’t there anymore. Even the erectile dysfunction and other symptoms I experience after my prostate cancer, all went away. If you’ve been feeling your age… or if you’ve wondered if there might be something you could take to help prevent a future fight with cancer, high blood pressure or cholesterol… Good Living Now Black Seed Oil may be able to help.
This herb made such an impact on my life that it was a no brainer to create a brand of my own with ingredients I knew I could trust. If you’d like to learn more about our premium black seed oil and how it’s been used by millions to boost vitality, aid digestion, strengthen immunity, and help with weight loss… try it today. |
Check out one of my latest books "Juicing 101" both in E-book and Paperback. It's an essential guide to help you get started on your health journey as you discover the the world of juicing and its benefits.
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Freshly Cold-Pressed Black Cumin Seed Oil (90-Day Supply)Get 20% Off $74.99 with this Limited Time Offer!Get 3 Bottles for $59.99 + Get FREE SHIPPING
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